Multi-Pet Housing

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Work to create a comfortable home environment for your different species of pets to get along in!

Owning pets can be a struggle and a blessing at the same time. They're a friend who will keep you company at all times and will always be excited to see you. However it can be a lot of work to take care of a pet, especially when you first get them and are still in the training stage. It can be even more overwhelming for families that may already have another pet back home, as they will need to get used to eachother before becoming friends. Despite the difficulties however, housing multiple species will make sure your pets don't need to worry about understimulation or boredom. Even when you aren't home they can spend time with eachother, which is perfect for preventing seperation anxiety. Use this site to find info on training your pets to be comfortable living with other species.

Socializing your Dog

While all dogs have completely different personalities, some friendlier and more social than others, its possible to get any properly trained pet to make friends. The MOST IMPORTANT step is to make sure that both your dog and the pet being introduced have their own spaces in which they can return to when they wish to be alone. You can then prepare your animals to meet eachother by getting them used to eachothers scent. You can do this by letting them sniff eachothers toys or bedding, once you feel your dog is comfortable with an animals scent you can start to introduce them. Be patient at first, put a leash on your dog so you can control them and stay calm so your dog doesn't see any reason to worry. Whenever your dog is behaving well use positive reinforcement such as treats or praise to associate the new animal with positive emotions. Keep the first few interactions they have together short to make sure your dog doesn't feel overwhelmed. When it comes to dog's what's most important is monitoring their body language.

Socializing your Cat

Getting cats to become comfortable with another species is a little different from dogs as cats are far more independant. As always its important they have their own spaces they can easily get back to if they feel worried or uncomfortable, especially in the case of smaller cats meeting larger dogs. When it came to training my current cat to live with our 2 dogs at the time I found that having them do the same activities side by side was the most effective way to get them used to eachother. For example whenever it was feeding time. I would set the dogs and cat up on opposite sides of a door. Over the next few days as the became more and more comfortable you can open the door more and more. My pets are always distracted with their food which makes it much easier to get them used to being in eachothers space without needing to worry about the tension increasing. Like with dogs, when Socializing a cat your main goal should be to get them used to eachothers scent.

Socializing your Rabbit and extra info!

Rabbits are less common pets however I had one in the past. Out of the pets I've introduced to eachother I've found a rabbit is usually the most difficult to get a cat or dog comfortable with. While rabbits are social animals they tend to be very nervous so keeping your rabbit near its enclosure is the best idea. This also gives it the choice to run back into its enclosure to be alone if they wish, as seperate spaces are very important. While it may take work to get your rabbit and cats or dogs to get along it can create a very fun and welcoming dynamic in your home.

GENERAL INFO: At the end of the day all animals have their own personalities and preferences. Having more than one species of pets around the house is an amazing way to enrich the lives of your pets and allow them the chance to make some unique bonds with other animals.